My dreams? As a 13 year old,there are so many... yet I do not know how to express them all... I dream of not being nagged to marry... I dream of us Capulets not fighting with the Montagues. I dream that something horrible might happen if we keep fighting. Why can't we all get along? It pains me to see my father get in a fit and mother trying to stop him. Oh, if we must fight, I wish to know at least the reason of this conflict.
5/18/2010 01:40:02 pm

You are young but very wise Juliet. That is probably what I adore about you. If only I could become part of your dreams as well.

5/19/2010 08:50:53 am

Indeed, fair Juliet, the hatred that ruleth Verona's streets art a vile masked monster, that it should prowl about without even a face or origin to speak of. Bless thee, that thou should already comprehend the foolishness of this ancient feud.

Juliet (Vivian)
5/19/2010 12:35:25 pm

I not only dream about this foolish fighting between our familys to stop, but I also dream about Romeo's beautiful face.

5/19/2010 01:44:18 pm

I also dream of a day where the fighting stops here in Verona, but until then, major changes must occur.

Kevin Ha (Benvolio)
5/19/2010 02:11:12 pm

The day both our families stop fighting is a great dream to dream, Juliet. Once this happens, peace will be certain.

5/19/2010 02:18:21 pm

My cousin Juliet, why do you dream of stopping the fighting. It is never going to happen. And besides, I like to fight them.
~ Tybalt <3

Romeo aka ARNELLEE:)
5/19/2010 02:26:09 pm

i would also know the reason of this makes no sense why we have to hate each other. we are made of the same flesh and blood, that Christ has given us. so what is the PROBLEM?

Tybalt (Keilani)
5/19/2010 03:20:51 pm

I have heard Uncle Capulet mentioning you being asked for a hand in marriage by Paris? Although I know scarce about love, as long as he protects the family and not a Montague things will be all well!

Alan (Romeo)
5/19/2010 04:41:45 pm

I wonder how it will be like if all the fighting stopped. Verona would truly be the peaceful city that we want but such a dream is unattainable since the rage is great.


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